School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Mr Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolten


Position Description

Head of the "Scientific computing and High Performance Computing" group

Office hour

Because of the current situation there are no office hours at this time. You can contact me by email and we can negotiate an appointment for a telephone call or a video conference.

Research interests

  • Numerical Analysis
  • Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Multigrid methods
  • Structured matrices, especially Toeplitz matrices and matrices in matrix algebras
  • Numerical solution of partial differential equations
  • Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations

Current research projects

Membership in professional societies

Matthias Bolten is speaker of the Fachausschusses Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) of GAMM, university representative of GAMM and vice chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG-SC).

Membership in Editorial Boards

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing


List of Publications