On this page, you find information on the courses that our group offers on a regular basis, as well as an overview of our courses in the current semester and past semesters. In addition, you can inform yourself regarding possible thesis topics.
Courses offered on a regular basis - Bachelor
Courses offered on a regular basis - Master
Thesis topics
If you are interested in writing your thesis with our group, you can find a slection of topics that we currently offer below.
Please note that the detailed descriptions of the topics can only be accessed from within the university network.
If you are interested in one of the topics, please get in touch with the corresponding supervisor.
- Optimal training set selection for excitation energies with self organizing maps (Bachelor thesis project)
- Sparse Molecular Representations for Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry (Bachelor thesis project)
- Analyzing feature spaces of molecular representations with scikit-matters (Bachelor thesis project)
- Many-Body Tensor Representations with DScribe (Bachelor thesis project)
- Machine learning interatomic potential: Coulomb representation vs. Lennard-Jones potential (Bachelor thesis project)
- Data generation and management with ase atoms (Bachelor thesis project)
- Transfer learning for message passing neural network machine learning interatomic potentials (Master thesis project)
- Constraint Optimizer Control by Reinforcement Learning (Master Thesis Project)
Development of an interactive application for the graphical illustration of the calculation of two and three-dimensional Morton codes (Bachelor thesis project)(topic is already assigned)Development of an interactive application for the graphical representation of matrix-matrix multiplication in stencil notation (Bachelor thesis project)(topic is already assigned)- Comparison between OpenCL and Sycl based on an implementation of the three-dimensional Jacobi algorithm with respect to runtime performance, productivity and maintainability (Bachelor thesis project)
- Comparison between the C API of OpenCL and an OpenCL Rust wrapper in terms of runtime performance, productivity, and maintainability (Bachelor thesis project)
Edge centrality in multiplex and multilayer networks (Bachelor or master thesis project)(topic is already assigned)- Computational aspects of edge centrality in complex networks (Bachelor or master thesis project)
- Comparison of error estimates for (rational) Krylov approximation of matrix functions (Bachelor or Master thesis project)
- Sketched Krylov methods for ordinary differential equations (Bachelor or Master thesis project)
Optimized implementation of the Hutch++ algorithm for minimizing the overall number of matrix vector products(Bachelor or master thesis project) (topic is already assigned)Fast updates of spectral projectors under low-rank perturbations (Master thesis project)(topic is already assigned)
Courses per Semester
- Mathematical Machine Learning (Zaspel)
- Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Finite Elements (Bolten)
- Bayesian Learning (Zaspel)
- Spectral Graph Theory & Graph Signal Processing (Schweitzer)
- Model Order Reduction and Surrogate Modeling (Cherifi)
- Bachelor-Seminar "Data Parallel C++" (Bolten)
- Seminar "Parallel-in-Time Integration" (Bolten)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Bolten)
- Einführung in Datenbanken (Zaspel)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Bolten, Schweitzer)
- Introduction to Scientific Computing (Zaspel)
- Bachelor-Seminar "Selected Topics in Mathematical Machine Learning" (Zaspel)
- Master-Seminar "Selected Topics in Mathematical Machine Learning" (Zaspel)
- Bachelor-Seminar "Design Patterns" (Schweitzer)
- Mathematical Machine Learning (Zaspel)
- Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Parallel Algorithms (Bolten)
- Matrix functions (Schweitzer)
- Bachelor-Seminar "Data Parallel C++" (Bolten)
- Seminar Molecular Machine Learning (Zaspel)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Bolten)
- Einführung in Datenbanken (Zaspel)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Finite Elements (Bolten)
- Introduction to Scientific Computing (Zaspel)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Grundlegende Verfahren im maschinellen Lernen (Zaspel)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining (Schweitzer)
- Parallel Algorithms (Bolten)
- Iterative methods for structured matrices (Bolten)
- Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Spectral Graph Theory and Graph Signal Processing (Schweitzer)
- Bachelor-Seminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Hochleistungsrechnen (Bolten, Schweitzer)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Bolten)
- Introduction to Scientific Computing (Bolten)
- Bachelor-Seminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Hochleistungsrechnen (Bolten)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Seminar Graph Signal Processing (Schweitzer)
- Iterative methods for structured matrices (Bolten)
- Parallel Algorithms (Bolten)
- Seminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Hochleistungsrechnen (Bolten)
- Softwaretechnologie (Schweitzer)
- Spectral Graph Theory & Graph Signal Processing (Schweitzer)
- Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Finite Elements (Bolten)
- Seminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Hochleistungsrechnen (Bolten)
- Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Structured Matrix Computation (Bolten)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Finite Elements (Bolten)
- Iterative methods for structured matrices (Bolten)
- Bachelor-Seminar: Modellbildung und Simulation (Bolten)
- Seminar: Exploiting structure in matrix computations (Bolten)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Hofschuster)
- Verifikationsnumerik I (Hofschuster)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Verifikationsnumerik II (Hofschuster)
- Softwaretechnologie (Weyers)
- Virtuelle Realität und 3D Interaktion (Weyers)
- Seminar: Aktuelle Themen in der VR und AR Forschung (Weyers)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Iterative methods for structured matrices (Bolten)
- Seminar: Formoptimierung (Bolten/Klamroth)
- Seminar: Angewandte Mathematik/Informatik (Bolten/Frommer/Lang)
- Seminar: Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hoschuster)
- Praktikum Parallele Programmierung (Bolten/Lang)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Hofschuster)
- Verifikationsnumerik I (Hofschuster)
- Parallel Algorithms (Bolten)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Projektseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Softwaretechnologie (Hofschuster)
- Verifikationsnumerik II (Hofschuster)
- Finite Elements (Bolten)
- Praktikum zur Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Projektseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Grundlagen der objektorientierten Programmierung (Hofschuster)
- Verifikationsnumerik I (Hofschuster)
- Softwaretechnologie (Bolten)
- Seminar Hochleistungsrechnen / Softwaretechnologie (Bolten/Hofschuster)
- Seminar Scientific Computing with Python (Bolten/Hofschuster/Arndt)
- Verifikationsnumerik II (Hofschuster)